On Sun, Jun 17, 2001 at 12:14:30AM -0400, Smitty wrote:
> No, we do not need any treatment. Why do we have to be perfect?
The obvious answer to that question is, "It doesn't hurt to improve
your body constantly through gentle, positive means." The same is true for
your mind.
> > Now, I'm not suggesting you get pumped full of thorazine and
> > strapped to a table for the rest of your life, I'm suggesting you
> > seek out homoepathic solutions, pro-actively, for future problems
> > so you can avoid them.
> Interesting you mention homoeopathy. (And you spelled it correctly) I
> have had constitutional homoeopathy and thought it did a great deal of
> good. I would recommend it. But, it is completely different from
> "mainstream" medicine. I have read Hahnemann's Organon, 6th ed. and
> consider it one of the classic books of healing. I would like to see
> more docs use it, and modern developments on that field, but medical
> schools don't bother with it.
I meant to type "homeopathic" but my fingers disagreed with me. I've
seen "homoeopathic" as well, I believe both are accepted.
Medical schools don't bother with it for two reasons, that I'm aware
of. First, there's no entity driving research with large amounts of money.
The second reason is a byproduct of the first, that being, there's no hard
research that says, "Homoeopathic treatment works this way because of
Now, in my opinion, the best way to circumvent that disadvantage is to
use word-of-mouth advertisement to make it extremely popular, for long
periods of time. Things exhibiting that type of following have a habit of
making it into the training, if for no other reason that, "Students, you
need to know how to deal with this type of treatment, it behaves
differently than us carpenters."
You mentioned homoeopathy differing from "mainstream" medicine. You're
right, it does, but in my defense, I don't recall recommending mainstream
medicine for the treatments everyone needs. :)
> Smitty
-- - Isaiah
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