Re: [SLUG-POL] ET -- Phone home --[Fwd: WinXP, MediaPlayer etc..] (fwd)

From: Paul M Foster (
Date: Sat Jun 30 2001 - 02:14:43 EDT

On Fri, Jun 29, 2001 at 07:23:41PM -0400, Russ Herrold wrote:

> This crossed one of the bugtraq devel lists, and describes the
> reporting back of hardware serial numbers in the Windows
> environemnt mechanism. I snipped off a bunch of
> confidentiality notices at the bottom, but it is otherwise
> intact.
> -- Russ

This is something that could have gone onto the main SLUG list, no?

I'll be glad when the hack for this is widely available. Unfortunately
at some point, companies that make PC software will stop supporting Win
9X and their new software will only run on W2K and WXP. Then those of us
forced to use MS software will be forced to upgrade and deal with this
registration issue.

If this information is true, then it appears Microsoft's main intent is
truly to handle piracy, rather than obtain and use personal information
(at least via this avenue). I used to work at a company that had this
kind of insane registration system. The program worked up an ID number,
and you had to call the company, give them that number, and they'd give
you a registration number to unlock the product. Unfortunately, because
of the way that their system generated ID numbers, the registration
number the company generated wouldn't work on some systems, primarily
those with disk striping. So the tech support people (us) got hold of a
key that would work on any system. Anytime someone called in and
couldn't get their registration key to work, we just gave them this
"universal" key. The owner of that company was paranoid about piracy and
registration, much like Microsoft.

Per seat licenses, and you don't own the software. You just gotta love
these guys.



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