> Like the tree-huggers and animal-rights people. Not the
> same agenda, but if their agendas were enacted, we'd end up in the same
> place-- eating St. Augustine grass and living in tents.
I think you overstate it a bit. And this is as opposed to...
> ...the apathetic people of the world whole don't pull
> their heads out of their asses long enough to realize that something bad
> is happening.
Hmm... look in a mirror lately?
Perhaps some of those "tree huggers" have something going. YOu know,
this entire "Impending ecological doom" they've been warning us about
(and that "right-winged" people have been laughing at and downplaying)
is comming to fruition. Yeah, they have their nut-jobs, but name one
group that doesn't? Fringes do not correctly characterize and agenda.
You should know that as well as anyone. Then again, maybe the do (Gw
Bush, Chenney, Robertson, Lott, Limbaugh...).
I know it's way off of subject, but next time you decide to dump knee
high levels of BS, be careful what grounds you tread on - the dump might
rightfully fall back on you.
By the way, if this is gonna start another thread, just remame it, will
y'all? I didn't write this to start an argument, but rather to stand up
to unfair characterization. Are conservatives characterized by men like
Koresh? Are patriots characterized by men like McVeigh? Think before you
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