Re: [SLUG-POL] True Story - example of the lunatic state of California

From: Isaiah Weiner (
Date: Wed Jul 18 2001 - 17:45:42 EDT

On Wed, Jul 18, 2001 at 05:01:16PM -0400, Smitty wrote:
> I suggested to Marc Merlins, the pres., that they start some sort of
> off-topic list and he said that he did not want to do that. I explained
> to Merlins that allowing Moen and Self to post political comments but not
> others with a different perspective was discriminatory. He replied that
> Moen was allowed to make off-topic posts because he made "lots" of
> on-topic ones. I told him that was an arbitrary opinion and he replied
> that he didn't care, that's the way it was going to be. Real nice folks
> out there. Merlins also works for VA Linux, another reason I boycott the
> company.

    So basically, Smitty, you thought you could walk in, act sauve, and
change people's minds? Obviously you did, if you approached it from the
procedure you outlined above. If you contribute to <blah>, you're allowed
to screw around on it. Everyone knows it, everyone is happy. It's not
arbitrary, and going right to the top of the food chain without any support
is stupid. Marc is a great guy, and very reasonable.

> > Seems I recall an earlier post about this same matter that outlined the
> > events in greater detail. And the general pattern of conduct I noted
> > there seems to be repeating here. Must be a coincidence. ;-}
> Assumed identities are not identical. You may be referring to the NCSU
> list where I did not care to deal with the offtopic socialist politics
> and unsubscribed myself. You are in no position to publicly evaluate my
> conduct, Paul. I would suggest a discussion off-list for your own sake.

    Sounds like a threat to me. You know that's against the law, right

    - Isaiah

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