And the seemingly insatiable need for the government to fix and
protect everyone from everything.
We're seeing it again with the airlines...more guards, more inspections
more screenings. Won't work in the ultimate sense. Too many targets,
too many attack vectors.
Quick and effective deterrent to hijackings. Allow every passenger to
be armed. Maybe require some percentage or require Gold card members
Hijacking works because they assume they will have the advantage of
being able to brutalize an unarmed group of people. So raise the
odds. Cost to the government $0.
Jim Wildman
On Wed, 26 Sep 2001, Paul M Foster wrote:
> Used to be that all these "social problems" were handled by churches,
> neighborhoods and families. But then the problem I mentioned earlier
> began to occur. Starting in the mid-20th century, people began to boil
> everything down to me me me. We've lost the ability to shame people and
> to exercise simple justice. Right and wrong are sort of gray, and we
> have to endlessly debate everything, while the media tell us the most
> important thing is to look good and have lots of sex, and the most
> important story is some congressman who boinks everything that moves.
> And instead of our ability to act on our own to ensure the order and
> integrity of our society, we've left it more and more up to the
> government. The result isn't pretty.
> Paul
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