Paul M Foster wrote:
> You're saying this with a straight face?
Very much so. What Arab cultures and countries do you know that
preach killing civilians???
> ... who are Arabs.
Now who is the one not speaking with a straight face???
I'm going to have to end this because it is obvious you aren't on
the same level as me.
But I've got to address this ...
> Now you sound like a liberal. And you're calling _me_ uninformed? The
> number of people unfairly jailed pales by comparison to those who
> _should_ be in jail and aren't, because we've been _soft_ on crime.
You've been watching too much of the media. The crime crap is going
overboard. Violent crimes are _down_, year after year!
We are jailing petty crimes and putting people in jail for nothing.
So much so, we have overcrowding because of it. Go look at the
conviction rates and what people are going to jail for!
If you are a felon, it is getting harder and harder to find a job.
Worse yet, we are handing out felonies for what should be petty
crimes. I believe one-time felons are basically screwed for life.
That is just wrong.
It's no longer about punishment and rehabilitation. It's about
politics and making everyone pay.
The Democrats have made every petty crime a felony.
The Republicans extend jail time and make sure the time is enforced.
No one is stopping to realize that the minor trespassing charge some
kid got has him in jail for 5 years. Leaving him marred for life,
unable to get into college, unable to ever get a job worth
anything. All because he didn't realize what his friends were up to
when he came over and said "hi". And even then, nothing was damaged
and no one was hurt.
Seen this _way_too_many_times_now_!!!
> There will always be injustice in any justice system run by Man. But I
> believe it is small by comparison.
Not as small as you think. The fallout from the OJ trial actually
caused conviction rates to go up. We are now putting people in jail
for failure to fill out a form in time. It's getting pitiful.
All you have to do is "claim" there was $500 worth of damage to get
a criminal felony charge going. No one expects you to prove
> And please don't bring up jailed drug users as part of your "tough on
> crime" argument. I tend to agree with you that drug use shouldn't be
> criminal (the prohibition argument), but for now it's illegal. Do the
> crime, do the time.
The war on drugs was just the beginning. The "bending" of the law
in the war on drugs has led to most of that being "lax" in other
areas. Rights are out the window nowdays. Worse are the
convictions over nothing, because no one feels they can stop it.
Even the prosecuting attorneys. They say "that's life."
Worse yet, anyone who tries to stick up for the "criminals" is
labelled as a "liberal." "You're for the criminals and not the
victims, shame on you!"
There is a big-time reason why the victims do *NOT* judge and
sentence the criminals. It's simply not fair.
One and two-time criminals have the same felony mark as
ten/twenty/fifty-time criminals. That has got to end. People are
entitled to make one mistake in their lives. Again, felonies for
tresspassing = murder. I don't think so.
> Revolutions are never bloodless, but I'm not so sure we're on the way to
> revolution.
What about the British??? They've had several "bloodless" ones.
> But that "personal gain" motivation is part of what I was talking about
> before. People's awareness has shrunk to their home their family, even
> just themselves. Screw the company, screw the government, etc. etc.
> That's part of the reason why the government has been allowed to take
> over so many charitable functions. Used to be that we helped people via
> churches, civic groups, and even just as families. It is less that way
> now, and more the government doing these things. Which by the way, it's
> extraordinarily poor at.
Worse yet, the government now over-regulates most charities to the
point that they can't do anything.
That's the facist economic model at work. Hopefully Bush will undo
what went on during the last administration. Again, hopefully,
because its hard to undo the beuracracy once its created.
-- TheBS
-- Bryan "TheBS" Smith chat:thebs413 Engineer AbsoluteValue Systems, Inc. President SmithConcepts, Inc. ------------------------------------------------------------------ Those living in the US who consider the American flag to be a sym- bol of oppression obviously fail to understand what the word means
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