----Original Message Follows----
From: Bryan-TheBS-Smith <b.j.smith@ieee.org>
Reply-To: slug-politics@nks.net
To: slug-politics@nks.net
Subject: Re: [SLUG-POL] Another political spectrum test
Date: Tue, 16 Oct 2001 04:34:50 -0400
Norbert Cartagena wrote:
> You forget to consider the source. Sorry, but I'm not
> quite sure that I trust the polling of any source
> which has a vested interest in any one particular
> ideology at the cost of other factors.
>Ummm, the Wall Street Journal currently has one of the highest
>integrity and truth rating of major publications by independent
>research firms. They are one of the few, quality publications left
>and don't feel the need to run stories until they are _verified_
>completely -- meaning they often don't report something first. They
>aren't in the traditional media business of "we're first," but
>"we're accurate" as they are the resource investors need. Investors
>want the complete truth, not the "first scoop" heresay.
OK, I am not going to comment on the actual statistics presented. But I am
going to comment on the implied integrity of the Wall Street Journal. I
find it to be no more or less accurate than any other publication.
First of all, what "independent research firms" provide a "integrity and
truth rating"? I looked at the Poynter Institute web site and found
nothing. I can think of no other independent institute.
Secondly, here are a couple of anecdotal tales to share about the integrity
of the WSJ. During the last presidential election the WSJ posted the same
innacurate story about the benefits of Forbes flat tax not once, but twice.
The story was based on flawed data that was known to be flawed. Because
the gist of the article was pro-Investor they forgoed their responsibilty as
a reporter to take on the responsibility of political lobbyist to promote
"their candidate".
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