Uh, Palestine. Just before the crusades, the expanding Islam empire
let the Jews do pretty much what they wanted for a *long* time. Even hold
political offices.
On Sun, Oct 14, 2001 at 10:41:14PM -0500, Jim Wildman wrote:
> History (current or long term) does not bear witness to this statement.
> Name an Islamic majority country or empire that has granted and
> maintained civil rights to non Islamic religions for any period of time
> longer than 10 years. If by capitalism you mean private wealth,
> probably true. If we include the ideas of freedom of speech, belief and
> expression, not true at all.
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
> Jim Wildman jim@rossberry.com
> 903-736-4393
> On Sun, 14 Oct 2001, Bryan-TheBS-Smith wrote:
> > Islam is a very tolerant, pro-capitalistic religion.
-- - Isaiah
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