> If you won't stand to protect Reebok's IP rights, don't sqwak
> when a loved one is ill and your health insurance says
> 'tough'. It is the same bundle of rights being protected.
Yes, there are some IP rights being trampled. But I don't know
if *I* should "stand to protect Reebok's IP rights".
They chose to shaft the American workers, and send their
jobs overseas. That was their right.
They chose to deal with known liars and cheats, with a
looooong track record of making knock-offs illegally. That was
their right, too.
Now they can invade China with an army of lawyers, and file
law suits, and do whatever else they can, and that is their right too.
Personally, I see them as being "hoist on their own petard". Let
them take legal action, just like you or I would do. If the playing
field (China) is inhospitable to their efforts at gaining remedy---well,
they chose it, didn't they?
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