Re: [SLUG-POL] Facist economic model, wealth v. income, Jackson v. Bank all over again, China -- WAS: one-sided political figure jabs?

From: Paul M Foster (
Date: Wed Sep 08 2004 - 22:41:43 EDT

On Tue, Sep 07, 2004 at 05:37:18PM -0400, Bryan J. Smith wrote:


> > Bankers and corporate elites get richer, everybody else loses.
> Agreed. The monopoly the Federal Reserve has had on the amount of cash
> in this country is at the heart.

I'll disagree here. The key to any economy is productivity. The Fed can
act as a brake or a stimulus, but producitivity is what drives any
economy. The problem in this society is that too much of the wealth
vests in the hands of too few _who produce too little_. The stock market
is the prime example of this. Buying and selling stocks (and
commodities) is an example of concentrating wealth while producing
nothing of value. That's a drag on an economy. It bids the costs of
everything up, while the benefits mostly accrue to those really just
push money around.


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