Bryan J. Smith wrote:
>On Thu, 2005-03-24 at 17:19 -0500, Paul M Foster wrote:
>>Ach! You make statements like this, as though everyone knows what you're
>>talking about. And how do you know what Caldera's strategy was? I've
>>never heard this one. Nor have I heard how IBM dashed it in a day.
>Robert Snyder Paraphrasing what Brain J Smith said in ultra short form. SCO got screwed by IBM. SCO never really sued linux but companys it had contracts with. (the end)
Now here in my reply to Brain J Smiths very well thought out and
lenghty post.
IBM is only replicating what already happen to them. MS screwed over
IBM on OS/2 Warp.... IBM then screws SCO over . Sco will try to Screw
some one else over. and the OS screwing over clye just keeps
climbing. To qoute the " Black Eyed Peas" , "Where is the Love?"!
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