Re: [SLUG] Re: Brigitte and Ramiro

From: Brigitte (
Date: Tue May 08 2001 - 21:58:44 EDT

Would someone have a copy of Slackware they could bring to the Tampa
meeting tomorrow. I'll be glad to reimburse anyone for any costs
involved. I tried going to the Slackware site from the link on and it said I needed a password to access the site.
and now to really show my ignorance, what does Sub-7 have to do with
screwing up my computer? I see a lot of Sub-7 probes on my computer, but
since I have a firewall, I assume they are blocked. I'm obviously nowhere
near, with any distribution of Linux, to be connecting to the Internet yet.
Heck, I don't even have it installed yet <laughing> .. I don't know much,
but I do know that I know nothing about security yet :)


>Without a doubt, though general GNU/Linux books allow you to play with
>diferent distros that have differing philosophies (Debians, Red Hat
>compatibles, Slackware..) with ine common ground for information (I'm
>thinking here the McGraw Hill "The Complete Refference: Linux"). But
>hey, what ever floats your boat.
> > In the interim I've put Windows back on the computer I plan to use for the
> > install, should I leave it on or remove it before installing?
>Leave it on, wipe it out during install. It'll only bring you viruses if
>you leave it on (it's like leaving meat in the counter after you've made
>the meal - it makes no sense to keep defrosting it when it's no longer
>useful). However, for the duration, there's this nifty little program(?)
>called Litestep (I think, Bill Preece can tell you more about it than I
>can). It replaces the Windows GUI (Explorer, is it called? or is that
>just the browser?) with a really really cool X-type interface (kinda
>like a cross between Enlightenment and WindowMaker, more like the first
>from what I've seen).
> > As I said,
> > this is an old computer and I can screw up all I want. My goal is to first
> > learn Linux from the command line and install a desktop interface once I
> > understand the basics. I know basic UNIX commands and I'm not intimidated
> > by a non graphical interface.
> >
>If you want to screw it up, meet my friend, Sub-7... ;)
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