Re: [SLUG] need some ideas

From: Derek Glidden (
Date: Fri May 25 2001 - 15:03:21 EDT

patrick wrote:
> i have just downloaded the latest nvidia drivers for mandrake 8.
> one is a kernal rpm and the other is a glx rpm. i have installed
> both rpms . when i go to my screensavers and try to run a screen
> saver with gl it just crashes. what do i do now. obviously just
> downloading and installing the rpms wont do it.

I hate to sound like a pr**k, but try Reading The Fine Manual. I also
have nVidia cards on my XFree40 boxen and I've read the installation
instructions supplied with the drivers I've downloaded from nVidia and
have found them to be very clear and straightforward in showing me
several ways to go about getting the drivers on my system. (The file
can be found at the link called "README and Installation Guide" on the
page you download your drivers.)

I could spell out the instructions here, but I'd just be
cutting-n-pasting from the installation guide off their website.

One hint though - disabling AGP has made them much more stable for me.

#!/usr/bin/perl -w

usage: qrpff 153 2 8 105 225 < /mnt/dvd/VOB_FILENAME \ | extract_mpeg2 | mpeg2dec -

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