Quite a few actually. My dad picked up a bunch of Linux stuff at Comdex two
years ago, and I've bought a few things as well. I have about 5 foam "stress"
penguins, one of which is sitting on my monitor. Also a small stuffed
penguin, a penguin pin, a penguin keychain (which broke :( ), some Linux
posters, and a penguin handheld fan. I also have Red Hat Linux popcorn (Linux
kernel's, get it?) still in it's original unpopped package, so I also have
penguin food! I also bought a "linux inside" sticker to put on my case, the
linux kernel poster that you can buy at thinkgeek.com, and the Linux
shark/fish car thing also at thinkgeek.com that I got for free since they had
some problems with an order of mine. Viva la penguinsta!
> i am taking a little poll. do any of u have any Linux toys :)
-- Anthony http://binaryfusion.net Press any key to continue, or any other key to quit.
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