Michael Adams wrote:
> Hey, I installed GNU Cash, and it is supposed to be like Quicken, and Quicken
> compatible.
> Has anyone in the Group used it yet?
My S.O. uses it exclusively to keep her accounts in order and finds it
works very well. It's not quite as bell-and-whistle covered as Quicken,
but it does all the stuff most people need to be able to do to manage
their finances.
> I have been attempting, and used the back up file, but the GNU asks for a QIF
> file?
> Does anyone here know what file it needs from Quicken to import the data?
Ah... I've had problems getting it to import QIF files. I've never
looked closely into it, but it always winds up importing each
transaction into a separate account... There's probably a FAQ on it on
their website someplace, though.
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