In Debian 2.2, logcheck is configured out of the box to mail reports to
root every hour. I'm using Postfix for my MTA. Here's what's happening:
logcheck mails its report to root, which is translated into On my local lan, the domain is mars.lan, but I
get my email from my ISP at So the "root" address is
being rewritten as So what happens is that
Postfix sends this out to my ISP. On my domain at my ISP, any mail not
to a known addressee at gets forwarded to me. So I get
all these hourly messages when I fetch mail for
I don't mind getting the messages, but they're going all the way to my
ISP and then back down, when they should really just be locally mailed
to me.
But here's what makes it worse: My ISP won't accept any mail from anyone
at mars.lan. It insists mail going to it has the
domain on it. So I've had to make nearly everything in postfix so that
it has on the end of it. I'm just not sure what to
change so that mail for local delivery (like from root) gets delivered
Any ideas what I'm doing wrong?
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