To: <>
Subject: Re: [SLUG-SUPPORT] (FWD) Repeats stopped (fwd)
This is really weird then. All dupes stopped after unssubbing
from the
Ed, could you resubscribe your RR account and see if the dupes
Remember, that Robert Haeckl has pursued this with RR, so they
may have
actually fixed something in the last 12 hours...
On Sun, 24 Jun 2001, Paul M Foster wrote:
> Joe:
> Russ Herrold posted a message yesterday that he thought this
was an RR
> issue, and that the same thing happened on RR in Texas.
Here's a
> message from Ed that seems to confirm that hypothesis. He
unsubbed his
> RR account, and subbed under another account, and poof,
dupes stopped.
> Paul
> ----- Forwarded message from Ed Centanni
<> -----
> From: Ed Centanni <>
> To:
> Subject: Repeats stopped
> Date: Sun, 24 Jun 2001 13:10:13 -0400
> Message-Id: <01062413101304.03572@dt121nb8>
> I sending this off list cause I don't want to start some
list subscribe/unsub
> activity but I'm no longer getting the repeated messages.
Should I try
> re-subbing under the RR account and see if the problem
> Ed.
> ----- End forwarded message -----
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