>Hey y'all,
>Don't let this O'Brien guy get to you too much. It's
>fairly obvious that whether he's ignorant or he's just
>playing dumb, he's hell bent on getting lots of
>clicks. Just like the radio talk show hosts who are so
>controversial, he's making a living by getting people
>so angry that they are compelled to listen. He knows
>that Linux is a hot button. I'd say, read him, get a
>laugh, and take it with a grain of salt.
Hey Tina,
To me it bothered me that this bozo made a remark to 12 year old kids who
can kill
to a remark about kids can install Linux. <-- Does not sound like a thing to
be saying maybe
a sense of mental instability.
Next when I offered him a chance to come out and see for him self.
He jumps on a defensive stance by blasting. Hmm.. So much for letting him
first hand. I thought by him being a reporter he would like to see whats
going on.
It is people like him with organizations that makes it harder for us to
prove to the non-knowing
people who believe everything they hear first. Or that they assume that this
guy knows what he
is talking about.
ZDnet, and Cnet have things on their sites containing to Linux and yet they
show no support
by blasting it. Why bother if they were going to support it? I do not see
Newforge with a
Microsoft area and then writing rubish like this. It show where the honesty
Also as Derek pointed out many seem to rehash the same articles with only
name changes.
To bad this guy can't try to debate Robin or you on this.
One final note he mentioned Os2 well if he is a decently informed reporter
he would know that
Os2 even still Lives with IBM!!!! That is now what the E-Commerce package is
from them.
Os2 Aroura. I know I beta tested that thing. It is still going.
It is off the desktop but alive and well in servers.
Also the fact that Os2 was never open source , it was never marketed right ,
it was never improved to
make installation any eaiser. It never was being worked on to run current
Raytheon uses Os2 to this day one of the Largest Defense Contractors and
huge commercial contractors as well.
They have it in a development and testing area.
Oh well I guess he got a bit shaken so maybe it made my point.
Bill P.
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