Norbert Omar Cartagena wrote:
> Derek Glidden wrote:
> >
> > Does RedHat 7.1 use devfs by default? I haven't used either RedHat 7.1
> > or devfs, but it's possible that that's the cause of your woes.
> >
> 1) Yes, it does use it.
> 2) How/Why is it the cause?
devfs dynamically creates all its device nodes in the same way procfs
makes all those "fake" files in /proc. It's a "pseudo-filesystem" mount
type thing.
There has been a lot of "controversy" (for lack of a better term) on
LKML regarding devfs and how one would accomplish the most basic of
adminstration tasks like creating a new devnode and changing permissions
considering everything in devfs "goes away" when you shutdown or reboot
your machine.
So you can't just mknod /dev/dsp or /dev/audio in a devfs /dev
directory, the same way you can't store stuff in /proc.
> 3) How do I go about fixing this? Or will it require that you set up
> your cauldron in front of my laptop at the meeting and perform some
> magik?
Actually I've never played with devfs, so I'm not really sure myself.
An alternative is not to use devfs until you're more comfortable with
it. Look for the entry in /etc/fstab that mounts /dev/ as a 'devfs'
type filesystem, remove it, and start dealing with /dev the
"old-fashioned way".
> Thanks for pointing me in the right direction,
No worries.
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