Good Morning, I hope everyone is enjoying our Independence!
Last night, I was trying to build an rpm (XFree86, to
resolve a problem with my video card) by running:
rpm -bb XFree86.spec
Everything seemed to be going OK, with all kinds of code and
commands flying by. But it got kinda boring just watching
it, so I let it run unattended. When I checked back about an
hout later, it was sitting at a login prompt for all
terminals. I assume that it had rebooted. I looked around to
see if it had completed building the rpm, but it hadn't (did
a find -name XFree86* from the / partition... Where will the
new rpm be if build is successful?)
So, not knowing exactly what happenned, I went ahead and
tried to build it again. This time, I saw it crash... Just
in the middle of building, seemed to be going fine, and
crash, reboot. On bootup, I had to run fsck manually and
delete some illegal blocks, etc on /. I may pay for that
Anyway, anyone know what would it to crash in the middle of
building an rpm? It is a RH 7.1 box, PIII 600 with 128MB
RAM, running 2.4.3-12 kernel, rpm-build-4.0.2-8, and trying
to build XFree86-4.0.3-21. I am currently running the build
on my Mandrake 8.0 box, seems to be going fine... Thanks,
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