Re: [SLUG] Gateways

From: Derek Glidden (
Date: Thu Jul 05 2001 - 11:32:59 EDT

As Paul said, the better solution is to find some unused machine and
stick a pair of network cards/modem/DSL router/whatever into it and make
it the gateway/firewall. Build a Linux kernel (or use one from your
favorite distro) with either the ipchains (2.2 kernel) or
iptables/netfilter (2.4 kernel) stuff built in and use that as your

A gateway, by definition (more or less) is the "one" computer that all
network traffic gets routed through. So you really can only have one
gateway. If both machines are "gateways" then really neither machine is
a "gateway" and both should just be called "hosts."

If you use one of the existing machines as your gateway, look into the
ipchains (2.2) or iptables (2.4) rules to make sure you block access to
that machine itself from the rest of the internet as well as to your
inside network.

Paul M Foster wrote:
> On Tue, Jul 03, 2001 at 06:51:29PM -0400, Frank Roberts - SOTL wrote:
> > How many computer in a network can one have configured as a gateway at any
> > one time?

> You'll have to pick one to be the gateway; you've only got one phone
> line, after all. (A better way is to buy a cheap 486 and make _it_ the
> gateway/firewall.) You _can_ have both machines on the internet at once,
> if a) one is the gateway, and b) you set up IP masquerading on that
> machine. In that case, the internet only sees one set of requests, even

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