Re: [SLUG] Tampa Meeting Wednesday

From: Derek Glidden (
Date: Wed Jul 11 2001 - 11:54:27 EDT

Paul M Foster wrote:
> SLUGs:
> Derek Glidden will be giving a presentation on home networking and such.
> Don't miss it!

The title of the presentation I'll be giving is:

  "Linux firewalls for fun and profit (The short course)"

It's as quick-yet-complete an introduction as I can come up with to get
people familiar, not only with setting up a Linux firewall, but with
firewall and security concepts in general. It's probably going to be a
bit more "intense" than just a presentation - more of a mini-tutorial
kind of thing. I imagine it'll be just over an hour or so, excepting

Don't worry too much if you don't get something immediately - I'll post
all the slides on the web so you can go back over and look at everything
at your leisure.

And bring your pads and pencils, there WILL be a test afterwards.

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