On Tue, Jul 17, 2001 at 08:28:10PM -0400, Ian C. Blenke wrote:
> If you want to tag it as read as well, I think you need to run it
> through formail (mbox reformatter):
> :0
> * ^.*slug@nks.net
> {
> :0 cw
> | formail -A "Status: RO"
> :0
> slug
> }
> The "Status:" header is what marks the state of a message. The value
> should be "O" for new mail, and "RO" for already read mail.
I didn't know this. But then again, that's not surprising. ;-}
> Note: throughout all of the examples above, I didn't use the "h"
> keyword for headers only... I want my patterns to find slug@nks.net
> ANYWHERE in the email. You probably will want to change things a bit
> in your recipies.
The default state for this is H. That is, failing to specify any switch,
the H switch is implied. To search both header and body, use both the B
and H switches. The h doesn't apply to message egreps; it only applies
to what part of the message gets acted on by the action line. Thus,
adding the h switch will normally result in the recipe only storing,
forwarding (or whatever) just the _header_ of the message.
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