Re: [SLUG] packet filtering using ipchains

From: Paul M Foster (
Date: Wed Jul 25 2001 - 20:28:53 EDT

On Wed, Jul 25, 2001 at 01:39:30PM -0400, Grantham, Patrick wrote:

> in 25 words or less, please take a moment to define ipchains, why would need
> 94?

IPChains is a program that filters packets going to and from your
computer. Undesirable packets don't get through. 18 words, nyah. ;-}

Everything that goes in and out of your computer to and from the
internet is in the form of "packets"-- little chunks of information that
contain your information plus some administrative bits. With ipchains,
you can filter packets by interface (eth0, eth1, etc.), by port (port 80
for web servers, etc.), by IP address, etc. etc. Filtering is done by
"rules", like:

ipchains -P output DROP

which would drop all outbound packets. The more complex you want your
filtering to be, the more rules you need.



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