[SLUG] LUG Affiliation Program

From: guinness@tampabay.rr.com
Date: Sat Jul 28 2001 - 15:28:49 EDT

Found this why surfing at work.

LUG Affiliation Program
The Linux User Group outreach program was officially launched on June 12, 2001.
The project allows for LUGs nationwide to earn additional revenue by placing a
link to apply for the LinuxFund.org credit card at the bottom of each of their
LUG related e-mails. Every time an application is approved through a LUG’s
link, that LUG will receive $30. Thus far we have two LUGs actively using the
links, the Portland Linux User Group and the Simi Valley Linux User Group. To
sign up your group for this program, you may fill out an application form at

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