Re: [SLUG] Samba & RH 7.0

From: Kai Lien (
Date: Sat Jul 28 2001 - 22:52:07 EDT

For RH 7.0, to start smb,

/etc/rc.d/init.d/smb start

This script will initiate smbd and nmbd.

To start smb at boot, you could

chkconfig --level 345 smb on

then when you start on level 3, 4, or 5, smb will start automatically

On Sat, 28 Jul 2001, Frank Roberts - SOTL wrote:

> Thanks Michael Rock Your last message basically said go back and start over
> with the HOWTOs. I did. Thanks for the good advice.
> Unfortunately though starting over produced more questions.
> I went off to The SAMBA Project Documentation at
> and obtained a copy of their HOWTO (well actually I did this part several
> weeks ago).
> Anyway I started re-verifying that everything was set up correctly.
> To the untrained eye smb.conf appeared to be set up correctly and was found
> at /etc/services.
> testparm appeared to run correctly and I am assuming for this post that that
> is a valid statement.
> /etc/services had netbios-ssn 139/tcp and netbios-ssn 137/udp
> Things looked good until I reached Step 5 at 1.6.1 Starting smbd and nmbd.
> But when I checked on /etc/inetd.conf there was no such file.
> Also the HOWTO states that this file may vary depending on the distribution.
> The example given says to add the following two lines:
> netbios-ssn stream tcp nowait root
> /usr/local/samba/bin/smbd smbd
> netbios-ssn dgram upd wait root
> /usr/local/samba/bin/nmbd nmbd
> I would appreciate suggestions.
> First, how does one verify that smbd and nmbd are are are not running.
> If they are not running should the file inetd.conf be created or does RH 7.0
> use some other method to start smbd and nmbd?
> Thanks
> Frank


Kai Lien

Lense Consulting Company

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