On Monday 03 September 2001 01:10, you wrote:
> You need to remove the jobs from the printer queue.
Although I failed to mention it, I had already taken the CLI
steps even before trying the GUI ones.
> > Okay ... where is that data hiding? I want to purge without
> > turning the computer off.
Poking around in gps I stumbled across an entry labeled as EPSON
running as root. I changed to root and killed it. When I fired
the printer back up, all was well with my little world again. :-)
-- icq # 126373831 "If I wager for and God is -- infinite gain; If I wager for and God is not -- no loss; If I wager against and God is -- infinte loss; If I wager against and God is not -- neither loss nor gain." --Blaise Pascal's Wager
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