Re: [SLUG] Exodus Chapter 11

From: Bill (
Date: Thu Sep 27 2001 - 15:49:28 EDT

On Thursday 27 September 2001 14:09, you wrote:

> actually I was thinking more like Verizon or AT&T who are already in the
> telecom business.
> I'd bet if Exodus has to bail, Verizon will pick up their assets at a
> steal.

I hope so ... the last time AT&T stepped in they told the existing 100,000
or so customers to amscray.

Excite@home was making good money ... and then decided they needed to
become a portal, too. They paid WAAAY too much for something they didn't
need and now they are being hugely pinched. I don't want their frickin'
portal and I have no use for their frackin' cable tv. ALL I want is
broadband internet access. Period. I_just_want_the_access and Ameritech
doesn't want my business at all.



icq # 126373831
"Those who sacrifice essential liberty to obtain a temporary safety
end up with neither."  -- Ben Franklin (1759)

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