[SLUG] Agenda for NPR Meeting?

From: edoc (kd4e@arrl.net)
Date: Wed Oct 03 2001 - 09:43:07 EDT

What, please, is the agenda for the NPR meeting Oct. 6th?

I am still fighting with Linux-Debian-Progeny on the 4100 and have
several new hints with helpful workarounds for the sound-pcmcia
conflicts but need assistance implementing them.

If someone will be there who is familiar with Debian and we will
have time for troubleshooting I will try to rearrange things so as to
be there.

It's fun to socialize and chat about the future of Linux vs M$, and
interesting to consider how we might educate newbies in the assembly
of hardware, but I really need to get Linux functional on this laptop!

That is unless we hold a hardware exchange and I can swap this for
an IBM 600-series laptop, say a 266cpu, 3gig+ hdd, no memory,
fdd, & cd? :-)

Had to at least try ... giggle.

Thanks! Doc

> NEW PORT RICHEY ******************************************
> 6 October 13:00-15:00 New Port Richey
> (first Saturday of each month)
> New Port Richey Public Library
> (second level meeting rooms)
> 5939 Main St.
> New Port Richey, FL
> See http://www.suncoastlug.org/meetings#npr for directions.

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