[SLUG] ahh...back to my ISA ethernet problems

From: Russell Hires (rhires@earthlink.net)
Date: Wed Oct 17 2001 - 09:08:40 EDT

Hello everyone!

At long last, I've got a working ISA ethernet card. I've gone through the
ethernet-HOWTO, but I'm still feeling a few french fries short of a complete
Happy Meal.

I've gotten pnpdump to give me this information: (the most important, I
believe) 3c509B Etherlink III. There's other information, of course. The
kernel (2.4.10) also detects the card. But what I'm wondering right now is
about the aliases that are supposed to be in the /etc/modules.conf file. The
HOWTO says something about aliases:
alias eth0 ne
        alias eth1 ne
        options ne io=0x240,0x300

I look on my Linux box with a working ethernet, and I have nothing like that
in my /etc/modules.conf...where else would this be? (I know the options would
be different because the example card is different in the HOWTO) I don't know
how to tag the card's location on the bus to something like "eth0". For that
matter, how do I find the card's location on the bus? And do I really have to
reset it in DOS to get it to work? I'm thinking no, since the kernel
recognizes it. ????

Funny how after reading the HOWTO I've got more questions than answers....

Thanks for your help!


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