[SLUG] dual-headed desktop

From: Bill Ehlert (Ehlerts@SoftHome.net)
Date: Thu Oct 18 2001 - 14:40:53 EDT

Hi Bryan,

You mentioned your dual-headed desktop in a response to Brian Coyle.

I am very interested in using two video cards and monitors on a Red Hat 7.1
Linux box. Do you have suggestions or tips on how to do this?

I am not into games at the moment, but would like to use two monitors - one
for console and the other for a GNOME desktop. Any pointers you may have
will really help.


Bryan "TheBS" Smith wrote:

I guess having full OpenGL acceleration means those great 3D
screensavers don't taxi my CPU. I have a dual-headed (2560x1024)
desktop running the "Atlantis" (whales and sharks in 3-D) screen
saver going all the time, including when I'm burning to my 4 CD
drives simultaneously! I could do that even _before_ I went dual

-- TheBS

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