Thanks for your efforts!
> This is probably a long shot here, but:
> a) have you tried any of the "run from floppy"
> versions of Linux? (*he he he* DOS/Linux...)
Yes please see:
SUSE 7.2 running from the CD = NO GO
> b) if you can get Win9x installed on that system, have
> you thought about trying to use either
Have not tried W98, will do, right away.
"QNX or PhatLinux (I think that's what it's called). Maybe
> that can also give you an indication of the problem."
I apologize I do not know what either one of these programs is and or
> c) You ever thought about a new system?
$$$$$$$$$$$$$, AAAAAH no!
> d) what is the problem with the SuSE CD?
> > SUSE 7.0 = NO GO
> > Get a bunch of scripts then after a line of numbers
> > computer freezes and goes on and on (over 15
> > minutes)
Thanks, Norb
Ramiro The idiot
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