Re: [SLUG] Buying Windows XP?

From: Andrew Wyatt (
Date: Sun Oct 21 2001 - 22:01:59 EDT

What's the point? you can get 256MB for $19.00, a dlink router for $99.00, a
CD for $15, or a rio one for $99, and not have to suffer through knowing that
you have lined Microsoft's pocketbook. I'd rather spend $300 on everything in
your list, than $99.00 on XP.

My $.02

On Sunday 21 October 2001 06:44 pm, you wrote:
> I have said before that I'll never buy another Windows operating system
> unless forced to (pre installed), but today's ad for Best Buy has me
> reconsidering that. I don't know if anybody else has seen it, but
> Windows XP upgrade (for Win98 or newer) is $99.99, and will be available
> on October 25th. If you buy it, you can get ALL of these free (after
> rebate)
> 1. Your choice of 128MB or 256MB of PC133 RAM
> 2. A D-Link Cable/DSL router
> 3. One free Music CD (your choice) up to $15 value
> 4. The new Rio One MP3 player (sells for $99.99)
> Then I guess you could sell the Windows XP to somebody in the PC group.
> scott

cat MCSE | sed s/MCSE/RHCE/g>MCSE && kill -9 `ps -ef | grep MSFT | awk 
'{print $2}'` && mail -s "Another one bites the dust"

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