Yes Corel did that with the 2.0 version.
It would migrate your e-mail messages ,
your browser book marks your icq and irc information.
Also your word documents I dont remember how much else would come over.
I think Xandros that is going to pick up on that will do the same.
Their beta should be out in a few weeks. They are leasing the
Corel Linux development pieces.
-----Original Message-----
From: Derek Glidden <>
To: <>
Date: Monday, October 29, 2001 12:32 PM
Subject: Re: [SLUG] This will sound weird:
>Norbert Cartagena wrote:
>> I've been thinking (actually this was actually a
>> random thought), but is it possible to "upgrade" from
>> Windows9x to Linux? By that I mean the following:
>> Billy has a Windows9x/ME box. Billy wants to install
>> linux, but likes his information where it is (or just
>> doesn;t care for backing up his collection of 600
>> Frankie Yankovic MP3s), and doesn't want to reset his
>> settings (Billy is using his University's internet
>> settings). Billy grabs a new version of Linux that
>> says it can do an upgrade from Windows to Linux. Billy
>> upgrades and now has a full Linux system running, with
>> no Windows involved anywhere, running KDE (it just
>> looks more like Windows), bash,
>> Ext3/ReiserFS/Whatever... the works.
>> Is that even possible? I was thinking that MAYBE it
>> could be done by having the install do it one
>> partition at a time or something.
>Technically, "It's just a simple matter of programming."
>Practically, it's a LOT of work to convert filesystem types back and
>forth. It's easier by far to backup-reformat-restore.
>Along similar lines, to actually "convert" a windows desktop into a
>Linux desktop you'll have to parse .ini files which will be scattered
>all over the system and somehow parse the registry files, which I'm not
>sure are documented anyplace and in any case will be filled with 95%
>useless entries you don't want to know about anyway.
>Plus you have to consider that after the system reboots, Billy's going
>to wonder where all his applications went, unless you also set up WINE
>for him, which is probably non-trivial.
>Didn't someone at one time have a Linux distro that installed onto a
>separate partition but somehow "migrated" all your Windows desktop
>settings over to your Linux desktop? I seem to recall something along
>those lines.
>#!/usr/bin/perl -w
>usage: qrpff 153 2 8 105 225 < /mnt/dvd/VOB_FILENAME \
> | extract_mpeg2 | mpeg2dec -
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