Mike Manchester wrote:
> I just wanted to test posting to slug as I haven't received anything
> from the slug list for over two days now.
> Mike M
"Snively! Snively! SNIVELY! (Now where is that pesky assistant?!)"
"Here I ahm masther..."
"Ah, Snively. Come faster when I call for you! (thwack! thump!) It
seems they're on to us! We must begin phase two of our plan quickly!"
"Oh, not phase two masther!"
"Yes Snively, phase two! Muha ha. Muahaha! MUA HA HA HA HAH AA HA HAA
"Yes Snively?"
"What is phase two?"
"Idiot! (thwack! thump!) Phase one was when we hi-jacked the mail
servers. Phase two is when we begin sending out the specially coded
messages to turn all the list recipients into mindless zombies! Muha
ha. Muahaha! MUA HA HA HA HAH AA HA HAA HA!!"
"Oh, of courthe masther. I remember now.... Errr, Masther?"
"*sigh* Yes, Snively?"
"Why do we _want_ to turn all the listht recthipientsthth into mindless
"Ah. Err... Well, because we're Mad Scientists you see. (Or at least,
I'M a Mad Scientist. You're my deformed assistant. All Mad Scientists
need deformed assistants as a matter of course. Although I don't know
that I would call 6'2", beefy, blonde and blue-eyed deformed per-se. At
least you have the lisp. But I digress.) And being a Mad Scientist, I
must have an Evil Scheme. ALL Mad Scientists need an Evil Scheme - it's
part and parcel of BEING a Mad Scientist. And MY Evil Scheme is to turn
all the list recipients into mindless zombies! Muha ha. Muahaha! MUA
HA HA HA HAH AA HA HAA HA!! Ah, ahem. So there you have it!"
"I understand masther. You are very brilliant."
"Of course I am Snively. Now, go turn on the machine."
"Yes, masther."
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