Re: [SLUG] MSN Gaming Zone

From: Norbert Cartagena (
Date: Mon Oct 29 2001 - 23:08:28 EST

--- Dennis Tribble <> wrote:
> Is it possible to play at MSN Gaming Zone
> <> with any browser in
> Linux?

Sorry, but M$ has blocked all non-IE browsers from all
of their websites. Unless you have IE, you can't get
into any of their sites. As far as I know, there is
not any version of IE for Linux, though it is
runmmored that IE 5 will run under Wine. Mind you, all
the sites have all the capabilities to be viewed by
non IE browsers (this is why that entire W3C thing is
arround, to block that kind of crap from happening -
but I guess all the rules change when you're a
monopoly and the Gov't refuses to break you up).


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