I have a couple of PCI and one ISA video card that are extras here. Sorry
the only Linux-friendly modems I have are 56K ISA "real" modems, I think I
have two of those I don't need.
I'd swap 2 PCI & 1 ISA video cards and two 56K ISA modems for one pcmcia
linux-friendly nic! And all of that plus some other stuff for a pair of
wireless pci nics.
> I second that request... I need a inexpensive PCI 56k Linux-worthy
> modem. Of course I'm going to look at ebay, but in the meantime if
> anyone has any additional favorite stores to pop, then I wouldn't mind
> giving them a whirl. In the meantime, Rusty, I will relay to you the
> store names that were mentioned weeks ago when someone inquired, "What
> is a good computer store?":
> The following words paraphrased from a letter from Frank:
> --- Rusty <irisinc@tbi.net> wrote:
> > Does anybody have an address of a used computer parts store?
> >
> > I need old PCI or AGP Video cards. Nothing fancy, just something
> > that
> > will produce basic video.
> >
> > Rusty
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