Re: [SLUG] Memory Question

From: Bpreece (
Date: Thu Nov 08 2001 - 09:02:02 EST

> You'll probably need a 66mHz speed on the RAM, but
> just getting a PC-100 or 133 that can go down to that
> level should do fine.

Yes the ram can run slower but because the speed of the bus on the mb for
it will not recognize the faster module and there for it will not work 90%
of the times.

Sdram can switch down on a board that has a faster bus speed but not the
other wise.
In other words a 133mhz bus speed not processor speed board can use pc133,
pc100, or pc66.
So If you had 3 dimm slots you could have a 66, a 100 and a 133 and would
switch the ram to 66mhz
because it supports all speeds.

A slower bus can not switch up and see the faster module thus it will not
switch down.
A 66mhz mother board will not see the pc100 or the pc133 sdram and make it
run slower so in this case
if you have a pc100 or pc133 module it will not see that even if there is a
pc66 in the system board only the pc166
would be seen from the system.

SDRAM is a different creature then the days of the old simms.

Hope that clears it up.

P.S. Also I have tried this several times and again pc 100 and pc133 will
not usually work on at least 90% of the systems
that are running 66mhz bus speed. Dell, Compaq, Gateway or Soyo, Asus, Abit,
Teckram, Tyan, and Shuttle Mother boards.

Bill Preece

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