Re: [SLUG] Network connection down

From: Jim Lange (
Date: Mon Nov 12 2001 - 12:50:47 EST

Hi Gnorb,
This could be something I do wrong, but I notice that I usually have to open
Konquerer first and reach a web site then go back and use the other browsers
such as Netscape. This usually only happens after a new install and once I
do it, I don't have to do it again.

On Monday 12 November 2001 10:36, you wrote:
> Ok, this might seem like an odd incident: On my laptop
> (Dell Inspiron 8000), I can't seem to get on Road
> Runner. I can get on using windows but with Linux...
> *pffts* Nothing. I'm using SuSE 7.2 (hopefully 7.3 by
> the end of the day). Any hints on where I should look
> for this problem? I've tried to restart the daemon
> /etc/init.d/dhclient restart
> And... nothing - can't grab an IP address. Here's the
> interesting part: The command gives me the signal that
> it does grab an address, but I can't ping anywhere
> (return status -1: network unreachable). Also tried to
> reset the daemon through YaST and it complains that it
> can't grab an IP.
> Again, any hints?
> Gnorb
> =====
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