Re: [SLUG] StarOffice strangeness/screen freeze during install

From: SOTL (
Date: Tue Nov 13 2001 - 08:23:53 EST

On Tuesday 13 November 2001 07:10 am, Tina Gasperson wrote:
> <> wrote:
> > SO locks up my whole computer. This is not unknown
> > behavior. See this
> > readme...
> >
> >
> >
> > Thoughts? Suggestions?
> Yeah! Don't use SO! I'll add that to my list of
> reasons.
> -Tina

Here are a few more.

1. I downloaded SO 6.0 beta from star office; took 3 or 4 hours over a 56 k
modem; it did not run. So, I did it again; it did not run. Then I downloaded
it from and it ran. Total down load time over 12 hours.

2 Once downloaded I was forced to install it as user not globally even though
I got it from

3. SO 6.0 looks exactly like SO 5.2 with out the first opening screen. This
sounds strange but 5.2 was better. At least you did not have to open a word
document to open a spreadsheet.

4. Talking of opening a spread sheet. There are at least 4 programs in SO 6.0
that will start the program. What the difference is is anybody's guess but
most likely one or more are simply programs that call the correct program and
could be removed. Conversely there appears to be no easy to find entry that
will open SO 6.0 except as a word document.

All this being said it is still much better than Koffice which creates a core
dump every time it is opened. Also SO will read more foreign files than
Koffice. As far as Gnome Office it is still to primitive to be of major


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