Re: [SLUG] Network Port Hosed - Webmin?

From: Tim Wright (
Date: Sun Dec 02 2001 - 12:37:56 EST

On Saturday 01 December 2001 22:24, Bill wrote:
> On Saturday 01 December 2001 21:26, you wrote:
> > I'm using Caldera eDesktop 2.4, and Webmin goes in through port
> > 1000. I nosed around to see if something else has latched onto Port
> > 1000 and can't see anything with "ps -e" (probably the wrong
> > command).
> >
> > Shutting down and rebooting didn't change anything. So what do I do
> > now to fix it?
> Try port 10000 (10,000)

Tried it. No good.

With port 10000 (localhost:10000) I still get the same Netscape error
message: "Unable to locate the server" along with a
second message: "The following hosts are unknown" then it goes on about the $SOCKS_NS
environment variable possibly not pointing at the right name server.

Konqueror gives me the same "could not connect to host localhost..." message.

I'm going to try using Caldera Open Administration System in my KDE1 to see
if anything turns up. Looks like my internal network has a problem or
something. With two years exposure to Linux, I now know just enough to be

Meanwhile, if anybody has any ideas what's broke and how I can correct it,
please drop me a hint. I'm kind of fumbling around in the dark. Thanks.

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