RE: [SLUG] rsync

From: Mikes work account (
Date: Fri Dec 07 2001 - 14:47:03 EST

>From my client I enter " rsync -avz <server name>::<module name> <directory
to put files>"

The a option is not perserving the owner or group. It keeps what ever is
there on the client only. In this case I am 'pulling' the files onto the
client, should I be pushing them from the server??

Michael C. Rock

-----Original Message-----
From: []On Behalf Of Seth
Sent: Friday, December 07, 2001 2:25 PM
To: slug
Subject: Re: [SLUG] rsync

What commands are you using?
I believe if you use archive mode (-a) it preserves everything.
 -L, --copy-links treat soft links like regular files
     --copy-unsafe-links copy links outside the source tree
     --safe-links ignore links outside the destination tree
 -H, --hard-links preserve hard links
 -p, --perms preserve permissions
 -o, --owner preserve owner (root only)
 -g, --group preserve group
 -D, --devices preserve devices (root only)
 -t, --times preserve times
 from man rsync


On Fri, 2001-12-07 at 14:03, Mikes work account wrote:
> I have tried every possible combination of options for rsync and still am
> not able to transfer owner and group to the new location.
> The files and directories move and they do that correctly as far as size
> concerned.
> >From out of nowhere I get a user on the system as the new owner of one of
> the transferred directories and all of the files in that directory. No
> where does this person have any permissions or ownerships, not the files
> rsync or the conf file,,, nothing.
> Could this be pre holiday stress manisfesting it self??
> Does anyone have any clues as to what I need to do to maintain the owner
> group for the transferred files?
> Michael C. Rock

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