On Tue, 2001-12-11 at 19:46, Logan wrote:
> Various folks in my office dumped just shy of 100K files to a linux
> file server I made for back ups. But, they dumped them all into one
> directory. There are so many files there that ls times out.
> I think the cure would be to recompile a kernel, editing
> /usr/src/linux/include/linux/fs.h to change the NR_FILE variable from
> 8192 to 8192*10 or even 8192*100. I think this would allow things like
> ls and rm to work. Or am I barking up the wrong tree?
> Has anyone else had any experience like this? I know I can also cure
> it by making more subdirectories and force them to put there files in
> the subdirectories. But chiding from the Windoze users stirs me to try
> to let them leave their crap all in one big heap.
What filesystem are you using?
If ext2, there are some patches floating around that dramatically
increase the speed of file I/O against directories with lots of files.
You'll have to either ask on lkml or check Kernel-Traffic to find the
source of them, though, because I don't remember where they are.
ReiserFS really should be able to handle it without much trouble.
XFS and JFS I'm not so sure of, although I use XFS virtually everywhere
nowadays and have no problems with it, and have a server at home with
some "junk" directories that get thousands of files dumped into them and
have never had issues.
Also, how much RAM and what CPU are in that server? Adding more RAM
will help the system cache filesystem ops better.
If your Windows people are hassling you, you can just come back with
"So, what do you do if NTFS falls over on something? What other
filesystems can you use? FAT32?" and then laugh.
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