RE: [SLUG] Web server setup help

From: Ken Billings (
Date: Wed Dec 12 2001 - 16:27:07 EST

Hi! I'm new to the list (about 3 weeks), and to linux in general, so I'd
like to say hello to everyone here. I wish I had known about the group a
year ago! I'm going to try and make it to the Tampa meeting this evening to
see what it's all about. I don't ask for help on things very often, since I
find I can almost always work things out if I smack my head against it hard
enough. There are a few things I'll be asking about soon, however. Stay
tuned! :)

Anyway, to get to the point...
Bill, what company are you getting cable access from? I thought
TW/Roadrunner had things pretty much wrapped up in the greater Tampa Bay
area. I'd love to have a static IP, but as far as I can tell, you have to
have a business account to get one here (St. Pete). Prices for that start
at $80+ and go up from there. I've been wanting a few additional IP
addresses as well, but at 10 bucks a pop, I think I'll stick with NAT. :)

On the dynamic IP/domain name issue: I've been using for a
while, and have been VERY happy with the service. They'll host DNS for up
to 5 domains for free, with a fairly low cost above that. Now that I've
gotten my linux machine running and halfway up to speed, I'll probably be
switching to just secondary DNS with them. I don't use their dynamic IP
service since my address has changed only once in the last year, but from
what I can tell they are set up to be very linux friendly on that front.

I also have a question about the SLUG meetings. Since my box is dedicated
as a server/firewall/etc, bringing it is pretty much out. Is there internet
access at the meeting location for remote X/VNC/SSH/etc? I'm pretty good
about having details already when I need help, but sometimes having that
prompt is the only way...


---- If this message is a duplicate, I apologize. Since I wasn't seeing my
post, I reasoned out that it won't allow me to send from a different email
address. Hopefully this one will work. :)

-----Original Message-----

> Pete.

Thanks for the link, Pete. I do have a static IP. That was really
important to me because I wanted to be able to SSH /VNC from the
school lab.

I will keep the link, though. As much as the cable industry is
getting shaken up, it's difficult to know what the next AUP will look


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