On Saturday 29 December 2001 11:11 pm, you wrote:
> On Saturday 29 December 2001 08:36, you wrote:
> > After months of telling my Son how wonderful Linux is. He finally
> > asked me to help him install it. We attempted to install it on his
> > machine, yesterday. And know he thinks his Dad is crazy :(
> (Clipped)
> > Can anyone shed some light on this problem? Where/what can we
> > check, so some day he may join the racks of the free?
> >
> > Thanks
> > Mike M.
> Mike ... it sounds like time for a seance!
I ditto this with one more angle. Try installing with only bare bones. Remove
every card you don't need to install Linux. Do this After Bill's very correct
suggestions. RAM was my first thought. A slow moving fan would not cool well,
I've seen Linux lock up like clockwork because of that. Some chipsets don't
work well with Linux. So check ALL hardware against list of supported h/w (on
RedHat's website).
> 1) check the hardware how-to for his hard drive on the off chance he
> has a "known flaky"
> 2) suspect his ram and give it a thorough check out. There is a
> product on freshmeat.net that will do this. Please forgive me for
> teasing ... but I have forgotten its name.
> 3) what choices are you making in re the install ?
> 4) are his fans functioning?
> 5) what happens when you use a different browser? Older versions of
> NS were somewhat notorious for locking X up. Although the whole
> machine was NOT, in fact, down (did you try ctrl+alt+Fn? to get to a
> different terminal and just kill / restart X?) anything further on
> the original terminal was out of the question.
> 6) check that stuff out and also post "the vitals" next time.
> Bill
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