[SLUG] new PC by Saturday?

From: Paul Braman (aeon@tampabay.rr.com)
Date: Tue Apr 23 2002 - 19:45:06 EDT

Well, for those of you who have been following my lengthy trials of
building a new PC, I may have it installed and up and running for
Saturday's meeting. Then again, maybe I'll just tote it in and do the
install there so new folks can see what it's like.

Additionally, those who haven't seen one can get a peek at the Lian-Li
case I've been raving about.

As long as my BIOS fiddling didn't burn out the processor (I eventually
had to flash toe BIOS to get it to work) it should be ready to go when the
last pieces arrive this week.

Woo! I'm gonna miss ol' reliable, but I won't miss all the noise she
made. :)

Paul Braman

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