Re: [SLUG] Networking Linux Box and Win98 - Help!

From: Scott Piper (
Date: Tue Apr 30 2002 - 15:57:56 EDT

You can still use ipchains with a newer kernel. Just load the ipchains
module and it should work for you.


Russell Hires wrote:

>Hash: SHA1
>On Sunday 28 April 2002 18:27 pm, you wrote:
>>I am brand new to Linux and really enjoying the learning process.
>>Unfortunately I have become STUMPED with the networking thing. I hope
>>someone here can help me.
>>Presently I have my Linux box running nicely over an Earthlink PPPOE DSL.
>>I'm trying to hook up my Win98 machine through the Linux connection.
>>Basically, I want to use my Linux Box as a router. It has 2 NICs. Here is
>Alrighty then! I looked at the responses, and none really seems to answer
>your question! ;-) I've got pppoe through earthlink as well. Since I run
>'s just a command: apt-get install pppoe. If you don't have
>debian, then you can get the original pppoe software from
> . It comes with a script for doing
>exactly what you want. It works beautifully for me.
>If you run with the 2.4.x kernels, it won't work, since the scripts deal with
>ipchains, and not iptables. If you want to use iptables and 2.4.x kernels,
>then I can send you a script that Derek Glidden generously donated to me.
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