Are you using IPF or PF?
On Sunday 19 May 2002 17:42, you wrote:
> A new concept is now being used by OpenBSD (since 3.0) which allows it to
> be a bridging firewall. The thing with a bridge is that it does not use any
> IP's, simply forwards, or not, traffic between the two, or more, networks
> it spans.
> This is particular handy when you don't want to change any of your network
> settings on your exisiting LAN. It cannot be hacked either as the only way
> in is through the terminal.
> I played with it over the weekend and it's pretty nifty. (Though in the end
> I cannot use it as I want NAT (network address table which allows you to
> use one of the non routeable addresses for your own private network, behind
> the firewall).
> There's also a very high degree of stability where the default settings
> have not had any breakins in five years now!
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