On Sat, 2002-05-18 at 03:52, David Meyer wrote:
> Rapid Systems in Tampa is a Linux friendly DSL Provider.
Except that if you read their "Terms of Service" on their webpage, they
basically say that running *any* kind of server on your system
automagically makes you require their "business class" service which is
more than twice the cost of their "home user" service.
We just moved into our new home (yay!) in Pasco, off of 54 by I-75 and
Verizon does not have DSL service in our area yet, and Shaw Cable does
not have cable internet in our area yet, so I'm stuck with dialup until
I can find something better and unfortunately, I haven't found much that
either has a good reputation or doesn't have silly terms of service as
above. I'll have to check out IJ that someone else mentioned in this
thread though.
Dialup sucks a lot.
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http://www.cs.cmu.edu/~dst/DeCSS/Gallery/ http://www.eff.org/ http://www.anti-dmca.org/
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