On Fri, 24 May 2002, Carson Wilcox wrote:
> Does anyone have any experience running Willows twin
> xwin32? It'a an app for running windows apps under
> unix. Similar to Wine I believe.
> Thanks,
> Carson
Do you mean X-Win32, http://www.starnet.com/products/ ?
That's not a Windows emulator. It is an X server that runs on Windows and
allows you get at a virtual unix console across a network. I used it to
get at Sun boxen at work. Honesty, I don't see how they stay in business
when there's VNC.
VNC offers about the same funtionality and has a lot of advantages over
X-Win32. It runs on more platforms. The "client"-side can be run with
nothing more than a java-capable web browser. It is easier to config.
It's free as in "Free beer" and free as in "Here's the source code. Have
fun." (And send us the changes, please, if you manage to compile for
another platform.)
The one environment where I see X-Win32 has an advantage is the one in
which I used it. I was required to run Windows. I needed to drive a unix
box. I could not even dream of talking anyone into installing the
unix-side VNC software on those Sun boxen. X-Win32 could do what I needed
in that set of constraints.
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